Thursday, April 26, 2012

CST Review Day 6

Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
What: SWBAT explain how work, heat, and pressure are related. 
How: Students will use the equation for Work done by a Heat Engine and The Laws of Thermodynamics to complete pages 25-29 in their minibooks.
Why: To be academic achievers, we need to OBLITERATE the CST and final! 

1. Brainpop- Heat
2. Bill Nye- Heat
3. Heat and pressure- How Autos work
4. Fire syringe
4. First Law of Thermodynamics Practice

Extra Learning

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Conservation of Momentum in Collisions and Calculating Impulse

What: SWBAT solve problems involving elastic and inelastic collisions, and impulse. 
How: Students will use the equation for conservation of momentum, and impulse to solve word problems in their minibook and classwork. 
Why: To be academic achievers, we need to review and ace the CST and final!

1. Conservation of momentum video
2. Calculating Impulse
3. Conservation of momentum
4. HW and minibook!

Monday, April 23, 2012

CST Prep Day 4

Conservation of Energy, Conservation of Momentum, and Calculating Momentum

What: SWBAT solve problems involving the application of conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, and the equation for momentum.
How: Students will apply what they learned about the above three topics to complete pages 17-20 in their minibook.
Why: To be academic Achievers we need to ace the CST and final!

1. Calculating Momentum
2. Bill Nye- Momentum
3. Momentum comic strip
4. Minibook pages 17-20