Friday, September 23, 2011

Motion Day 12

SWBAT describe effects of forces in the world.

1. Origins

Watch the full episode. See more NOVA scienceNOW.
2. Invisible World - Forces
3. Forces quiz

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Motion Day 11

SWBAT Measure the force of gravity on objects on earth and other planets

1. Do Now- Resisting gravity- 10 min
2. Mass, weight and density Brainpop w/activity- 15 min
3. Partner Reading- Universal Gravity - 15 min
4. Bill Nye Gravity- 25 min
5. Weight problems- 15 min
6. Normal Force problems- 10 min

Awesome, interesting and helpful reading

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Motion Day 10

AIM: SWBAT describe the effects of gravity on objects and create a helicopter to use air resistance to counteract the force of gravity.

1. Do Now: Gravity examples and pictures
2. Brainpop Gravity and Activities
3. Bill Nye Gravity
4. Helicopter Lab
5. Weight HW

Mythbusters Moon Gravity Hoax Video

Difference between Mass and Weight